Central Park plays a pivotal role in the daily lives of New Yorkers by offering 843 acres of paths, lakes, and open spaces to escape the chaos of the city life. Visitors to NYC are oftentimes awe-stuck with its unbelievable beauty & size, making it an excellent place to relax and get a better insight of what it is like to live in New York City. It is truly one of the best places for listening to music, picnicking, and exploration. To make the most of your Central Park visit, we recommend exploring the below mentioned 5 attractions: Central Park Zoo: Lavishly reconstructed during the late 80s, the 5.5 –acre Central Park Zoo is home to 450 animals exhibiting some 100 species. The famous movie “Madagascar” was filmed inside this zoo. The zoo has so much to see, including penguins, monkeys, sea lions, and more. A special children’s zoo allow children to get close to pigs, sheep, and goats, too. Pencil sketch effect on a black horse and carriage ...
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