Monthly car leasing is somewhat similar to renting an apartment! It is an alternative way of acquiring a vehicle compared to a traditional car loan or outright purchase. It is an effective way to have a brand-new car on rent for a long term basis. Monthly car leasing in Singapore can be a good option for expats working in Singapore. Renting a car in Singapore may be pretty easy because there are a myriad of car renting service providers, but to find a good car rental company that works around your budget could be challenging. This article will show you how you can lease a car from one of the better car rental companies in Singapore. Exclusive Limo & Car Rentals ( has many car leasing package that are very popular among expatriates and corporate customers. It includes rental of a vehicle for a fixed period of time, complete with full-service care and 24hrs car breakdown service. They are also one of the first agencies that p...
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