People often associate having a personal stylist as a luxury; however, it is not just for the rich and famous. There are plenty of advantages to having a personal stylist. By hiring a personal stylist, you can achieve a great deal of progress in a short measure of time. We had an interview with Zoe Hennessey, a personal stylist in Los Angeles, CA . The interview that follows will help you to understand the benefits of hiring a personal stylist. Will the service help to organize and unclutter my closet? Most people’s closet’s are a mess and unorganized, filled to the brim with old clothes, shoes and accessories that are never worn, and yet one still has nothing to wear! One of the first things a personal stylist will do is go through your closet and ell you what to keep, store, and donate. It’s naturally a cleansing and organization process. A client will always come out with more space and a clearer picture of what they have to wear and what they need to buy. It’s a wond...
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